在packetbeat中扩展sip协议后,elasticsearch head后台查找不到sip类型。对于不是请求-应答一对一模式的协议,transactions如何设置?
Most protocols that Packetbeat supports today are request-response oriented. Packetbeat indexes into Elasticsearch a document for each request-response pair (called a transaction). This way we can have data from the request and the response in the same document and measure the response time.
But this can be different for your protocol. For example for an asynchronous protocol like AMPQ, it makes more sense to index a document for every message, and then no correlation is necessary. On the other hand, for a session-based protocol like SIP, it might make sense to index a document for a SIP transaction or for a full SIP dialog, which can have more than two messages.
Most protocols that Packetbeat supports today are request-response oriented. Packetbeat indexes into Elasticsearch a document for each request-response pair (called a transaction). This way we can have data from the request and the response in the same document and measure the response time.
But this can be different for your protocol. For example for an asynchronous protocol like AMPQ, it makes more sense to index a document for every message, and then no correlation is necessary. On the other hand, for a session-based protocol like SIP, it might make sense to index a document for a SIP transaction or for a full SIP dialog, which can have more than two messages.
2 个回复
billzy - Make it easy
medcl - 今晚打老虎。