a few tips how to improve indexing performance
This should be fairly obvious, but use bulk indexing requests for optimal performance. Bulk sizing is dependent on your data, analysis, and cluster configuration, but a good starting point is 5–15 MB per bulk. Note that this is physical size. Document count is not a good metric for bulk size. For example, if you are indexing 1,000 documents per bulk, keep the following in mind:
1,000 documents at 1 KB each is 1 MB.
1,000 documents at 100 KB each is 100 MB.
Those are drastically different bulk sizes. Bulks need to be loaded into memory at the coordinating node, so it is the physical size of the bulk that is more important than the document count.
Start with a bulk size around 5–15 MB and slowly increase it until you do not see performance gains anymore. Then start increasing the concurrency of your bulk ingestion (multiple threads, and so forth).
Monitor your nodes with Marvel and/or tools such as iostat, top, and ps to see when resources start to bottleneck. If you start to receive EsRejectedExecutionException, your cluster can no longer keep up: at least one resource has reached capacity. Either reduce concurrency, provide more of the limited resource (such as switching from spinning disks to SSDs), or add more nodes.
When ingesting data, make sure bulk requests are round-robined across all your data nodes. Do not send all requests to a single node, since that single node will need to store all the bulks in memory while processing.
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sinomall - 会敲代码 会投三分球
赞同来自: AlixMu
a few tips how to improve indexing performance
This should be fairly obvious, but use bulk indexing requests for optimal performance. Bulk sizing is dependent on your data, analysis, and cluster configuration, but a good starting point is 5–15 MB per bulk. Note that this is physical size. Document count is not a good metric for bulk size. For example, if you are indexing 1,000 documents per bulk, keep the following in mind:
1,000 documents at 1 KB each is 1 MB.
1,000 documents at 100 KB each is 100 MB.
Those are drastically different bulk sizes. Bulks need to be loaded into memory at the coordinating node, so it is the physical size of the bulk that is more important than the document count.
Start with a bulk size around 5–15 MB and slowly increase it until you do not see performance gains anymore. Then start increasing the concurrency of your bulk ingestion (multiple threads, and so forth).
Monitor your nodes with Marvel and/or tools such as iostat, top, and ps to see when resources start to bottleneck. If you start to receive EsRejectedExecutionException, your cluster can no longer keep up: at least one resource has reached capacity. Either reduce concurrency, provide more of the limited resource (such as switching from spinning disks to SSDs), or add more nodes.
When ingesting data, make sure bulk requests are round-robined across all your data nodes. Do not send all requests to a single node, since that single node will need to store all the bulks in memory while processing.
https://www.elastic.co/guide/e ... .html
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