核心参考:https://www.elastic.co/guide/e ... .html
By default a node is a master-eligible node and a data node, plus it can pre-process documents through ingest pipelines. This is very convenient for small clusters but, as the cluster grows, it becomes important to consider separating dedicated master-eligible nodes from dedicated data nodes.
解释为:小集群,默认配置(mastre:true, data:true)就可以。
Now imagine that you have a cluster with three master-eligible nodes, and minimum_master_nodes set to 2. If a network split separates one node from the other two nodes, the side with one node cannot see enough master-eligible nodes and will realise that it cannot elect itself as master. The side with two nodes will elect a new master (if needed) and continue functioning correctly. As soon as the network split is resolved, the single node will rejoin the cluster and start serving requests again.
1 个回复
laoyang360 - 《一本书讲透Elasticsearch》作者,Elastic认证工程师 [死磕Elasitcsearch]知识星球地址:http://t.cn/RmwM3N9;微信公众号:铭毅天下; 博客:https://elastic.blog.csdn.net
核心参考:https://www.elastic.co/guide/e ... .html
By default a node is a master-eligible node and a data node, plus it can pre-process documents through ingest pipelines. This is very convenient for small clusters but, as the cluster grows, it becomes important to consider separating dedicated master-eligible nodes from dedicated data nodes.
解释为:小集群,默认配置(mastre:true, data:true)就可以。
Now imagine that you have a cluster with three master-eligible nodes, and minimum_master_nodes set to 2. If a network split separates one node from the other two nodes, the side with one node cannot see enough master-eligible nodes and will realise that it cannot elect itself as master. The side with two nodes will elect a new master (if needed) and continue functioning correctly. As soon as the network split is resolved, the single node will rejoin the cluster and start serving requests again.