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ES有快照数据文件, 但是在快照仓库中找不到快照,怎么处理?

Elasticsearch | 作者 fanfan0914 | 发布于2022年03月17日 | 阅读数:1212

[cky_data_bak] Could not read repository data because the contents of the repository do not match its expected state. This is likely the result of either concurrently modifying the contents of the repository by a process other than this cluster or an issue with the repository's underlying storage. The repository has been disabled to prevent corrupting its contents. To re-enable it and continue using it please remove the repository from the cluster and add it again to make the cluster recover the known state of the repository from its physical contents.

按照提示删除了快照仓库,又重新建了一个相同名字的仓库, 但是仓库里面是空的,没有任何快照信息, 有什么办法可以恢复集群数据吗?



