
es查询报错circuit_breaking_exception","reason":"[parent] Data too large,异常

Elasticsearch | 作者 myc | 发布于2020年07月17日 | 阅读数:10015

        "_source": ["_id"],
            "query": {
                "must": [
                     "match": {
                  "deleteStatus": "1"
                  #if($sourceIp!='' && $sourceIp),
                  "terms": {
                        "sourceIp": #[sourceIp,serialJson=true]
                #if($purposeIp!='' && $purposeIp),
                  "terms": {
                        "purposeIp": #[purposeIp,serialJson=true]
             "size": 20000000,
            "track_total_hits": true
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"circuit_breaking_exception","reason":"[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [8333415566/7.7gb], which is larger than the limit of [8160437862/7.5gb], real usage: [8333414416/7.7gb], new bytes reserved: [1150/1.1kb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=89417291/85.2mb, in_flight_requests=72424/70.7kb, accounting=52032679/49.6mb]","bytes_wanted":8333415566,"bytes_limit":8160437862,"durability":"PERMANENT"}],"type":"circuit_breaking_exception","reason":"[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [8333415566/7.7gb], which is larger than the limit of [8160437862/7.5gb], real usage: [8333414416/7.7gb], new bytes reserved: [1150/1.1kb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=89417291/85.2mb, in_flight_requests=72424/70.7kb, accounting=52032679/49.6mb]","bytes_wanted":8333415566,"bytes_limit":8160437862,"durability":"PERMANENT"},"status":429}
解决思路:认为是请求时,内存不足,导致的请求熔断,之后采用GET _nodes/stats请求拿到返回数据进行查看
  "_nodes": {
    "total": 1,
    "successful": 1,
    "failed": 0
  "cluster_name": "ES-Cluster",
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    "d9a2cTVrRbCm943bCqZ8Yg": {
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          "path": "/home/axyh/data/elasticsearch/nodes/0",
          "total_in_bytes": 510356619264,
          "available_in_bytes": 436795650048,
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          "available_in_bytes": 436795650048,
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            "mount": "/home (/dev/mapper/cl-home)",
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            "free_in_bytes": 436794892288,
            "available_in_bytes": 436794892288
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              "device_name": "dm-2",
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              "write_operations": 22174,
              "read_kilobytes": 5628,
              "write_kilobytes": 1420959
          "total": {
            "operations": 22284,
            "read_operations": 110,
            "write_operations": 22174,
            "read_kilobytes": 5628,
            "write_kilobytes": 1420959
      "transport": {
        "server_open": 0,
        "rx_count": 8,
        "rx_size_in_bytes": 1036,
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        "tx_size_in_bytes": 1036
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        "total_opened": 156
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          "limit_size_in_bytes": 5153960755,
          "limit_size": "4.7gb",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 0,
          "estimated_size": "0b",
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          "estimated_size": "143.1mb",
          "overhead": 1.03,
          "tripped": 0
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          "limit_size": "8gb",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 0,
          "estimated_size": "0b",
          "overhead": 2,
          "tripped": 0
        "accounting": {
          "limit_size_in_bytes": 8589934592,
          "limit_size": "8gb",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 52002851,
          "estimated_size": "49.5mb",
          "overhead": 1,
          "tripped": 0
        "parent": {
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          "limit_size": "7.5gb",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 3339824552,
          "estimated_size": "3.1gb",
          "overhead": 1,
          "tripped": 80
      "script": {
        "compilations": 3,
        "cache_evictions": 0,
        "compilation_limit_triggered": 0
      "discovery": {
        "cluster_state_queue": {
          "total": 0,
          "pending": 0,
          "committed": 0
        "published_cluster_states": {
          "full_states": 2,
          "incompatible_diffs": 0,
          "compatible_diffs": 106
      "ingest": {
        "total": {
          "count": 0,
          "time_in_millis": 0,
          "current": 0,
          "failed": 0
        "pipelines": {
          "xpack_monitoring_6": {
            "count": 0,
            "time_in_millis": 0,
            "current": 0,
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            "processors": [
                "script": {
                  "count": 0,
                  "time_in_millis": 0,
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                  "count": 0,
                  "time_in_millis": 0,
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                  "failed": 0
          "xpack_monitoring_7": {
            "count": 0,
            "time_in_millis": 0,
            "current": 0,
            "failed": 0,
            "processors": [
      "adaptive_selection": {
        "d9a2cTVrRbCm943bCqZ8Yg": {
          "outgoing_searches": 0,
          "avg_queue_size": 0,
          "avg_service_time_ns": 90049721,
          "avg_response_time_ns": 79921719,
          "rank": "79.9"

Charele - Cisco4321


Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [8333415566/7.7gb], //Awhich is larger than the limit of [8160437862/7.5gb], //B
real usage: [8333414416/7.7gb], //C
new bytes reserved: [1150/1.1kb] //D
C + D = A > B,所以报错了。
indices.breaker.type: none

pony_maggie - 公众号:犀牛饲养员的技术笔记


