


Elasticsearchvearne 发表了文章 • 2 个评论 • 6428 次浏览 • 2018-07-12 22:49 • 来自相关话题

注意 本文参考的ES 5.0.1的源码

1. 查看集群状态


GET /_cluster/state

大致可以得到如下内容 cluster_state version 集群状态数字版本号 每次更新version + 1 集群重启version不会置0(只会单调增)

state_uuid 是集群状态字符串版本号(UUID)

master_node master节点

nodes 该版本中的所有节点信息

routing_tablerouting_nodes 都是描述不同index上的shard在node上的分布关系

2. 集群状态的维护

可以阅读 .//core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/cluster/ClusterState.java

  • 2.1 ClusterState是不可变对象,每次状态变更都会产生新的ClusterState,它们拥有不同的版本号
  • 2.2 在ES中, 集群状态由Master维护,并且只能由master节点更新集群状态
  • 2.3 更新完成后,Master会把新版本的集群状态推送给集群的其它所有节点 对于publish,Master节点会根据它已知其它节点所拥有的集群状态版本,决定是执行 sendFullClusterState()还是sendClusterStateDiff(),  前者是全量推送,后者增量推送。

  • 2.4 对于使用Zen Discovery的情况,只要有minimumMasterNodes响应了Master节点的publish消息, 那么这次的commit就算成功

  The cluster state can be updated only on the master node. All updates are performed by on a single thread and controlled by the {@link ClusterService}. After every update the {@link Discovery#publish} method publishes new version of the cluster state to all other nodes in the cluster.   In the Zen Discovery it is handled in the {@link PublishClusterStateAction#publish} method

  • 2.5 另外需要补充的是Elasticsearch使用Gossip + Bully算法进行选主。Bully算法在具体实现中,不是简单选取节点ID小的节点, 首先要先比较ClusterState的版本。版本高的优先当选。(各个版本实现有不同,但都需要考虑候选节点的集群状态版本)
         * Elects a new master out of the possible nodes, returning it. Returns <tt>null</tt>
         * if no master has been elected.
        public MasterCandidate electMaster(Collection<MasterCandidate> candidates) {
            assert hasEnoughCandidates(candidates);
            List<MasterCandidate> sortedCandidates = new ArrayList<>(candidates);
            return sortedCandidates.get(0);
             * compares two candidates to indicate which the a better master.
             * A higher cluster state version is better
             * @return -1 if c1 is a batter candidate, 1 if c2.
            public static int compare(MasterCandidate c1, MasterCandidate c2) {
                // we explicitly swap c1 and c2 here. the code expects "better" is lower in a sorted
                // list, so if c2 has a higher cluster state version, it needs to come first.
                int ret = Long.compare(c2.clusterStateVersion, c1.clusterStateVersion);
                if (ret == 0) {
                    ret = compareNodes(c1.getNode(), c2.getNode());
                return ret;


  1. cluster-state

欢迎光临我的个人博客 萌叔 | http://vearne.cc


Elasticsearchvearne 发表了文章 • 2 个评论 • 6428 次浏览 • 2018-07-12 22:49 • 来自相关话题

注意 本文参考的ES 5.0.1的源码

1. 查看集群状态


GET /_cluster/state

大致可以得到如下内容 cluster_state version 集群状态数字版本号 每次更新version + 1 集群重启version不会置0(只会单调增)

state_uuid 是集群状态字符串版本号(UUID)

master_node master节点

nodes 该版本中的所有节点信息

routing_tablerouting_nodes 都是描述不同index上的shard在node上的分布关系

2. 集群状态的维护

可以阅读 .//core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/cluster/ClusterState.java

  • 2.1 ClusterState是不可变对象,每次状态变更都会产生新的ClusterState,它们拥有不同的版本号
  • 2.2 在ES中, 集群状态由Master维护,并且只能由master节点更新集群状态
  • 2.3 更新完成后,Master会把新版本的集群状态推送给集群的其它所有节点 对于publish,Master节点会根据它已知其它节点所拥有的集群状态版本,决定是执行 sendFullClusterState()还是sendClusterStateDiff(),  前者是全量推送,后者增量推送。

  • 2.4 对于使用Zen Discovery的情况,只要有minimumMasterNodes响应了Master节点的publish消息, 那么这次的commit就算成功

  The cluster state can be updated only on the master node. All updates are performed by on a single thread and controlled by the {@link ClusterService}. After every update the {@link Discovery#publish} method publishes new version of the cluster state to all other nodes in the cluster.   In the Zen Discovery it is handled in the {@link PublishClusterStateAction#publish} method

  • 2.5 另外需要补充的是Elasticsearch使用Gossip + Bully算法进行选主。Bully算法在具体实现中,不是简单选取节点ID小的节点, 首先要先比较ClusterState的版本。版本高的优先当选。(各个版本实现有不同,但都需要考虑候选节点的集群状态版本)
         * Elects a new master out of the possible nodes, returning it. Returns <tt>null</tt>
         * if no master has been elected.
        public MasterCandidate electMaster(Collection<MasterCandidate> candidates) {
            assert hasEnoughCandidates(candidates);
            List<MasterCandidate> sortedCandidates = new ArrayList<>(candidates);
            return sortedCandidates.get(0);
             * compares two candidates to indicate which the a better master.
             * A higher cluster state version is better
             * @return -1 if c1 is a batter candidate, 1 if c2.
            public static int compare(MasterCandidate c1, MasterCandidate c2) {
                // we explicitly swap c1 and c2 here. the code expects "better" is lower in a sorted
                // list, so if c2 has a higher cluster state version, it needs to come first.
                int ret = Long.compare(c2.clusterStateVersion, c1.clusterStateVersion);
                if (ret == 0) {
                    ret = compareNodes(c1.getNode(), c2.getNode());
                return ret;


  1. cluster-state

欢迎光临我的个人博客 萌叔 | http://vearne.cc